My artistic work is a celebration of the strength, dignity, and beauty of Afro-descendant women. Through oil on canvas, I capture their faces and gazes filled with history, expressing the power they have carried through generations.
lack and mixed-race women have been protagonists in stories marked by forced displacement, whether due to colonialism, political conflicts, religious reasons, or imposed migrations. Despite these circumstances, they have built their identity with resilience and pride, integrating into foreign cultures without losing their essence.
With each stroke, each color, I strive to convey their imposing presence. Their garments, woven with history, are symbols of resistance; their gazes, mirrors of a struggle that transcends time. They are the ones who have carried the memory of their roots, who have transformed pain into strength, and who, through their existence, inspire us to recognize ourselves in their fight.
My art is a tribute to their courage, an invitation to reflect on our own identity, and a way of saying that the history of these women is also our own.
Bald Woman: Respect and Empowerment

El alfa y omega corroen y amalgaman esta masa excepcional hecha de músculos y huesos , que nos muestra una belleza fuerte y despojada . En este cráneo guarda todo lo que ella fué, es y será. Vemos su exterior, su excelsitud, pero difícilmente arañamos su interioridad y la profundidad de su alma.
Técnica: Óleo sobre lienzo
Woman with red cloak: Submission and obedience

En la pasividad de este rostro pueden no ser evidentes los aspectos más desagradables de la violencia hacia la mujer, el rostro de una mujer cuya sumisión y agitación sólo puede darle un sentido retórico , casi decorativo. Violencia que muchas veces aparece naturalizada por la cultura. Aquí esta mujer abre sus labios, como aceptación de un acto que sobre ella se impone. Pero bajo ese manto color rojo sangre que la cubre, está el verdadero ser dentro de un parecer, un rostro bello e inalterable dispuesto a descubrirse.
Técnica: Óleo sobre lienzo
Woman with emerald

Significan poder, eterna juventud, inmortalidad. Se relacionan con la veracidad y la elocuencia
Aquí juego con el color: el color como significado de creencia. El color multiplicado por la fuerza, su intensidad y mi voluntad como artista; es un juego de encuentros y choques donde confluyen marcados contrastes entre claros y oscuros, limitándose a la tranquilidad de la escena .
Tecnica: Óleo sobre lienzo

The ARC MUC Munich will take place from May Thursday 1 to Sunday 4 2025 at the MTC (Ingolstädter Straße 45-47 / 80807 Munich).
Latest exhibitions
September 6 – 8 2024
INC art fair – Hamburg
Our next meeting will be from September 6 to 8 in the magnificent facilities of the Museum der Arbeit Hamburg, in the center of the Barmbeck district (Wiesendamm 3, 22305 Hamburg). All art lovers, artists, curators, buyers and collectors will meet there . Visit me at Stand #18 where I will present my exhibition: “Identitat und territorium”,
July 11 – 14 2024
Hamptons fine art fair – New York
Join us for this highly curated (now 18th) annual art fair, created specifically for art-enthusiast Hamptonites. You will benefit from the widest and deepest selection of important art from the East End primary and secondary markets. The 2024 edition is the largest ever: it has a record of 150 selected galleries, and in which I will be participating with the gallery OKFRIDA, NYork, in one of its inclusive and spacious galleries and I will present a regionally themed exhibition, presenting my works: woman with pearl earring, woman with red cloak and bald woman, along with other artists from more than 20 countries.
October 20 – 22 2023
Art shopping Le Carrousel du Louvre – Paris
Over the years, Art Shopping has become the art event in Paris where hundreds of artists can present their works of art to thousands of visitors, art lovers and professional buyers. The exhibition will bring together French and international artists and galleries where you can find me at stand D23 of the Carrousel de Louvre gallery, you will have the opportunity to see some of my work and you will be able to get closer to it in a more personal way.